Thursday, February 28, 2008

One Word: Massage!

Have you ever had a massage? By a professional? I bet Oprah gets them all the time. Probably they come to her house, massage her into wet noodle bliss and leave her there in scented-candle heaven with a cup of warm chamomile tea.

I've had one professional massage. I received a gift certificate for a second one on Valentine's Day. I never thought I would like this sort of thing. Seemed so decadent. You can get most men to do it for free. But it's a very different atmosphere when you pay someone to do it. You don't have to worry about taking turns and nurturing the relationship. You just have to be clean, polite and grateful, and grateful is easy to manage when you feel so relaxed!

If I had Oprah's income, I'd have a massage at least once a week. In my house so I don't have to dress and clean the snow off my car to get home. I'd just drift off while wrapped in my Turkish towel bathrobe with new age music and birdsong playing in the background. The masseuse can let herself out.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Win-Win Landlord

Driving my daughter home from her piano lesson, we passed a house for sale. It was sort of boring. From the 1960's, I would guess. But if I had Oprah's income, I think I would have bought that house and set up a senior home sharing sort of thing in it.

This house was perfect for retired people, and I mean the traditional definition of retired, not the "active" retired who are busier than they were when they were working. Being a ranch, there were no stairs, and it had a long porch across the front that looked over the street and straight into the infield of a grammar school baseball diamond.

Wouldn't it be cool to for four or six retired people to be able to mosey out onto the porch and watch the kids play ball on nice afternoons? Maybe they would invite the kids over for lemonade. Then later, they could talk about it while they were making dinner together in their cozy kitchen. That's got to be way better than a lonely apartment or a sterile senior facility.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Who's Making Really Big Money?

This is from a three-year old article, so I imagine they're only making more today:

Name: Annual Income - Hourly Wage* - $/30sec.

Oprah Winfrey: $162 million - $81,600/hr. - $679.99

Tiger Woods: $72.2 million - $38,600/hr. - $321.66

*Based on a 40-hour work week.

And here's another site that tells you how much some Rich Bastards are worth.

I'd Treat My Nose Like a Queen

To save a few pennies, I buy house brand tissue most of the time. If it's allergy or cold season, I swap out the cheap brand for a name brand. And when I have a really awful cold, I splurge on Puffs, sometimes even with lotion!

If I had Oprah's income, I'd have a box of Puffs in every room of the house, all the time!